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Check out what is happening at Emmanuel

The Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science
regional meeting was held on March 7 at Wilkes
University. Of the 33 students who participated, 21
earned a First Award and will advance to the State
Meeting at Penn State in May. Aaron Kleger is
among the students advancing to the State Meeting,
along with Ethel Fine’s great-grandchildren Kayla
Supkowski and Richard Supkowski. Congratulations
and good luck in the next level of competition!
There were plenty of talented youth at the Rice
Elementary Talent Show on March 28. Showing off
their skills were Brooke Rinehimer, Brooke Aton,
Kelsy Rinehimer, Paige Ceaser and Leah Dietrich.
Fantastic show-offs! (see you ALL at the Talent in

As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the LORD is refined; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him. — Psalm 18:30 (NASV)

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